17 Mar 2020 by Shayne St John

Hi All,

Please see the below message from SSJCA President Chris Hewitt:

Members of the SSJCA cricket community

Congratulations to the teams that competed in last weekend finals series and to the premiers in each age group and grade. The finals weekend was much like the season we had experienced with delays to games due to the weather with allthe U14 games having to be played over Saturday and Sunday.

This season has been unlike any season I have experienced in the SSJCA with wet weather, air quality and now corona virus affecting training and games. On behalf of the SSJCA I would like to thank the volunteers within our cricket communityfor their work involved in this year cricket season whether it be coach, manager, scorer or administrator. Without the fantastic volunteers involved in the Shire our competition would not be as strong and vibrant as it is.

Following today’s announcement from Cricket Australia the SSJCA will not be proceeding with the scheduled representative trials at this time. We were very excited about holding the trials at the end of the season and a lot of work hadbeen done to develop a winter program for our representative players to develop their games. However health and safety of our players and their families is paramount and the decision has been made to postpone trials and the development program until furthernotice.

We have also made the decision at this time to defer the President/Secretary meeting, AGM and Presentation Day scheduled for late May/early June. We will continue to work behind the scenes to organise the premiership trophies and annualreport etc on the basis it will go ahead at some stage.

Could I ask that you share the postponement of the trials with your players within the Club.

If circumstances change we will notify the club secretaries and post updates via our Facebook page.

Thanks again for your support throughout the season and look forward to season 2020/21 hopefully with less challenges than this year.


Chris Hewitt

SSJCA President

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